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(1) 2019.09-至今 bet365官网,电气bet365官网与信息工程学院电气工程系,长聘副教授

(2) 2017.11-2019.06 加拿大麦吉尔大学,电气与计算机工程系,博士后

(3) 2014.12-2017.11 美国康奈尔大学,电气与计算机工程系,博士后

(4) 2007.04-2012.05 北京四方继保bet365官网股份有限公司,研发中心,研发工程师


(1) 电力系统在线动态安全评估与辅助决策

(2) 基于PMU数据的电网实时预警与模型参数校正

(3) 数据驱动谱方法及其在电力系统概率安全评估与优化中的应用


(1) 2017.11-2019.06 The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, “Impacts of Renewable Energy on Transient and Voltage Stability of Electric Power Systems,”第二完成人

(2) 2019.01-2019.06 The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, “Integrating Polynomial Chaos Expansion Method into DSATools for the Assessment of Probabilistic Available Transfer Capability,”第二完成人

(3) 2017.12-2018.05 The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, “Incorporating Stochastic Dynamics into Real-time Simulation of Power Systems,”第二完成人

(4) 2014.01-2015.01 New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), “Electric Distribution Engineering Analysis Tools for Distributed Energy Integration,”第二完成人

(5) 2012.06-2014.11国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目“大规模风力发电并网基础科学问题研究”课题二:含大规模高集中度风电的电力系统电源规划/调度与供电充裕性(2012CB215102),项目骨干

(6) 2012.01-2013.12国家电网公司大电网重大专项“大电网仿真关键技术深化研究”课题四:提高大电网潮流收敛性的方法研究(SGCC-MPLG028-2012),第二完成人

(7) 2011.05-2012.06华北电网有限公司,“基于同步相量测量的大电网复杂动态过程监测分析技术研究与开发”,项目负责人

(8) 2011.03-2012.05中国南方电网有限责任公司,“电网安全稳定信息融合与知识发现技术研究”,项目负责人

(9) 2009.07-2010.12华中电网有限公司,“D5000平台电网实时动态监测系统”,项目骨干

(10) 2007.10-2010.05东北电网有限公司,“东北电网动态安全预警系统”,项目骨干


(1) Hao Sheng and Xiaozhe Wang, “Online measurement-based estimation of dynamic system state matrix in ambient conditions,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (Early Access), May 2019. (SCI一区)

(2) Hao Sheng and Xiaozhe Wang, “Probabilistic power flow calculation using non-intrusive low-rank approximation method,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 3014-3025, Jan. 2019. (SCI二区)

(3) Hao Sheng and Xiaozhe Wang, “Applying polynomial chaos expansion to assess probabilistic available delivery capability for distribution networks with renewables,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 6726-6735, Nov. 2018. (SCI二区)

(4) Hao Sheng and Hsiao-Dong Chiang, “CDFLOW–A practical tool for tracing stationary behaviors of general distribution networks,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 1365-1371, May 2014. (SCI二区)

(5) Hsiao-Dong Chiang and Hao Sheng, “Available delivery capability of general distribution networks with renewables: formulations and solutions,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 898-905, Apr. 2015. (SCI二区)

(6) Hao Sheng, Hsiao-Dong Chiang, and Yan-Feng Jiang, “Local bifurcations of electric distribution networks with renewable energy,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 24, no. 7, Jul. 2014. (SCI二区)

(7) Hsiao-Dong Chiang, Tao Wang, and Hao Sheng, “A novel fast and flexible holomorphic embedding method for power flow problems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 2551-2562, May 2018. (SCI二区)


(1) Robust Power Flow Methodologies for Distribution Networks with Distributed Generators,发明专利,美国专利号:20140257715 A1,已授权

(2) 基于双时间尺度延时估计的断面生数据对齐方法,发明专利,专利号:CN102361353B,已授权


(1) 2015:bet365官网优秀博士学位论文获得者


(1) 2013.06-至今:IEEE Member

(2) 2013.06-至今:IEEE PES Member